
3 Results / Page 1 of 1


Achieve your entrepreneurship dreams with funding from the IDC

With our ever-growing society and current economic status, the youth is looking in all directions for financially emancipating opportunities. According to IDC Impact Support Department head, Stuart Bartlett, for the South African youth, entrepreneurship is the most fruitful fete. The Industrial Development Corporation’s Development Impact Support Department, headed by Stuart Bartlett, encourages and guides the youth to branch out into their starting their businesses. The department of Impact Support marginalises people and […]

todayNovember 15, 2019 121 4 2


Brighten your future with Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology looks to help young adults study further and/or upskill themselves for a better future. Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology is a private post-school education institution that offers higher education of different qualification levels such as National FET Certificates, Higher Certificates, Advanced Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees. With an array of fields to study from Media, Information & Communications Technology, Business and many more.  “The Career Guidance […]

todayNovember 12, 2019 93 1


‘Love weight’ and its effects

“You’ve gained weight, you look good… your relationship is definitely treating you well!” You may have been on the receiving end of a "compliment" like this... But, changes in one's waistline when in a relationship is complicated! Fun fact: According to experts, weight gain is also due to mealtimes becoming a central part of the relationship. A study found that women that are dating tend to gain around 6kgs within the […]

todayNovember 11, 2019 33
