World renowned comedian and “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah, took it to the virtual field with award-winning rapper, Cassper Nyovest on an online FIFA match late last night.
Anytime is tea time!
— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) March 30, 2020
However, things didn’t go the way Cassper had hoped for them to. Trevor led the game by a whopping 2 points and walked away as the winner. Tweeps shared the live stream between Cassper and Trevor, showing their live facial reactions with every kick and pass.
It seems that not only fans and friends of the stars were spectators, but also the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa. The minister congratulated the two players and thanked them for spreading the COVID-19 message to stay at home, and wished Cassper all the best with his new single, Amadimoni.
Do you think this was a well deserved win? Or should there be a rematch?
Written by: Y
Cassper nyovest cassper nyovest tweezy amademoni Cassper vs Trevor FIFA match Trevor Noah
todayNovember 14, 2021 431 2
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