Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology

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 Richfield switches students to distance-learning during Covid-19 outbreak

Richfield has taken steps to put the health of their students and staff above everything else.  After heavy consideration, the institution made the decision to cancel all 2020 graduation ceremonies. "While we understand the personal significance of graduation, we feel that cancelling these was the most responsible step to take in light of the Covid-19 outbreak and to protect our staff, our graduates and their families," their statement refers.  Richfield […]

todayMarch 18, 2020 177 5


Brighten your future with Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology looks to help young adults study further and/or upskill themselves for a better future. Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology is a private post-school education institution that offers higher education of different qualification levels such as National FET Certificates, Higher Certificates, Advanced Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees. With an array of fields to study from Media, Information & Communications Technology, Business and many more.  “The Career Guidance […]

todayNovember 12, 2019 93 1
