An American woman has taken extreme measures against a co-worker, who was stealing her food from the office fridge.
The young woman, who laced her food with laxatives, took to social media to defend her actions.
She begins the post by painting a picture of how frustration builds up from working a 12-hour night shift, only to realise that your food has disappeared during break.
To find the culprit, she hatched a plan and decided to lace her food. The lunchbox thief was identified just a few hours of her having eaten the food.
The suspect can be seen in the video below, rushing to the bathroom.
The post has received mixed reactions, with some commending her, while others have criticised her, saying she should have approached their human resources department.
That’s definitely her last day eating someone else’s food. Like why was she even doing that? Like you do the same job, probably getting paid the same amount and all of a sudden someone decides to not bring their own food and eat other people’s food? Damn it serves her Right👍🏾
— ChrisWithNoViolence (@khandizwe_chris) September 17, 2024
Lots of people on this post pointing out intent, using laxatives, is poisoning and it will hold up in court if the person wants to sue. SOLUTION (Should you do this) use california reaper hotsauce instead. Still a food object. And still “Technically” safe to consume by the owner
— Foxhercules (@Foxena) September 17, 2024
I put super hot peppers in a batch of chili once and left it in the fridge at work
When the person who ate it went to HR and tried to have me fired (yes, really!), I told HR “what’s the problem? I just like super hot chili”
They couldn’t prove either way I was trying to…
— WhosAGoodBoy (@TweetyThings1) September 17, 2024
This isn’t a new phenomenon. Snacks, fruits, pens and notebooks are some of the items that co-workers have long squabbled over.
A 2023 study by Zippa found that 33% of workers have admitted to stealing their coworker’s food, with 47% of workers having fallen victim to food stealers.
Written by: Nokwazi Qumbisa
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