
Gouws to face DC as SAHRC turns up the heat

todayJune 20, 2024 81

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Political analyst, Vusi Gumbi, says it is commendable that the Democratic Alliance (DA) decided to take action against its MP, Renaldo Gouws, for his actions.

Gouws is in the eye of a media storm after videos of him making racial slurs resurfaced on social media. Not long after the initial video, social media users found another one in which he repeatedly says: “Kill all the k****rs.” He is also repeatedly using the N…. word.

Gouws had immediately responded and said the video was a deepfake and blamed it on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

After initially standing by him, the DA finally succumbed to public pressure to deal with the matter and suspended the 41-year-old MP with immediate effect, pending a disciplinary hearing.

“The DA has established that the video, in which Renaldo Gouws uses execrable language, is in fact genuine and not a fake as initially suspected. The DA Federal Executive has therefore suspended Mr Gouws with immediate effect while he faces disciplinary charges before the party’s federal legal commission,” the party said in a statement.

DA spokesperson, Richard Newton, says the party’s vetting process failed to pick up the videos.

Speaking to YNews, Gumbi says it’s a breath of fresh air seeing the DA decisively tackle the Gouws debacle as it previously shied away from dealing with racial issues.

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) meanwhile plans on taking Gouws to the Equality Court in Gqeberha, in the Eastern Cape.

SAHRC Spokesperson, Wisani Baloyi, says the suspended MP’s remarks constitute hate speech and/or harassment.


The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) also weighed in on the issue, calling on the DA to expel Gouws.

Ynews managed to find some of Gouw’s old Facebook posts, which also have ‘racist’ connotations.
























South Africans like the EFF’s Mbuyiseni Ndlozi weighed in on the issue.

Gouws has been trending on social media platform, X, with many calling for him to be fired and not just suspended.

Others think this has been taken out of context.

Written by: Nonhlanhla Harris

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