
This Reddit post gives us an eery idea of what’s happened in Italy | Covid-19

todayMarch 19, 2020 42

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According to a trending Reddit post, our country is only on Stage 1 out of 6 with regards to the outbreak.

This post is making the Instagram rounds and exposes some eery details about the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy.

The post reads;

From [Italy] to the rest of the world: you have no idea about what’s coming

Hospitals are at capacity – too many people need ICU and there are not enough places for everyone. 

If you don’t want to go through the whole post, the last page summarised; Stage 6 ends with all of Italy zoned off and police-checks for being out in social spaces without reason. 

People are not allowed to walk around without an auto certification. Police have resorted to arresting quarantine violators amid COVID-19 pandemic. People found walking around without a valid reason, are fined 206 Euros. 

This post went up on the 12th of March. 

There have been 35,713 cases in Italy thus far.

Warning –  The following post contains triggers: 


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🙏🏽🇺🇸 Repost from @jannagrahamerz • Hi friends. I saw this on reddit and I felt compelled to share. *From [Italy] to the rest of the world: you have no idea about what’s coming*. Please read this and be super precautious right now. I’m not trying to spread fear but we should be staying home as much as possible. Plz share this. Stay home and make music/art and live stream concerts from your home. I will watch and support anyone who live streams!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I’m adding hashtags so more people can hopefully read this. #covid #stayhome #stayhealthymyfriends #handsanitizer #coronavirususa #fucktrump🖕 #coronavirusitalianews #coronavirusoutbreak⚠️ #washyourhands #nychealth #nycmusicscene

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Would you say we’re too chilled or are correctly applying what other countries have taught us?

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