But do we really know what they are and how one goes about getting one?
Attorney Zanele Ngakane brought her Associate Thabiso Matsane to chat to Nia Brown and Mthaux about the subject matter.
Zanele first explained what it is or under what circumstances a tender is issued to a business. Government has many expectations that they have to fulfill throughout the year, big or small. Ranging from building roads to security tenders all the way down to offering providing an air conditioner for a government department. Some of which they do not have the capacity to complete themselves. Thus outsourcing from other companies.
The process starts with a bid. Many businesses apply to fill the bid.
“When the bid is won, then the Tender is issued,” says Zanele.
The bid for a Tender will have requirements that applicants must fulfill. Thabiso says, “If they are for 20 security guards and you submit 19, that will quickly put you on the back foot.”
Furthermore, they are very specific about the documents that you need to submit in order to qualify for the tender. Thousands of bids for Tenders come in, so if you are not in compliance then that would lead to an automatic disqualification.
In the case that you lost a bid for a tender, it is not always down to corruption as Zanele states, that a very low percentage of tenders are mishandled.
We have to remember all Government institutions are under a constitutional duty to act in a rational way. Although if you feel that there has been wrong doing, or your bid has been mishandled, there are steps you can take to remedy the situation.
Begin by asking for reasons why your bid was rejected. Following that, you can take their reasoning and test them against the requirements for fair and just administrative action. If it is proven that they did not follow due process you can then apply to have the decision reviewed.
This process can be timely so you have to be careful as to which kind of tender you can apply it to, because in the case of smaller tenders, the tender could be complete before the decision is set aside. This process could also become very costly.
For all information on Tenders all over the country and in all departments, you can go to www.tender.org
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#Tenders entrepreneurship TheShakedown
todayNovember 14, 2021 509 2
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