
Must-see 3-step plan to mentally prep yourself for the year ahead

todayJanuary 6, 2020 21

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To many, the New Year ushers new beginnings, favour and newly found hope.

The past year may have had its ups and downs, but you made it. If you plan for 2020, you could avoid the downs and focus on staying up.

Here are a few tips to get you ready for the rest of the year:

  1. Create a list of recent accomplishments

Human nature has us looking towards what’s next, but in order to excel beyond your own expectations, you need to appreciate that which you have done and improve on that.

Just like a vision board, create a completion board where you will list what you accomplished this past year. List everything, no matter how big or small. You will find this may give you a great sense of achievement and confidence to accomplish bigger goals.

  1. Figure out what your passion is

For those who don’t really have this part figured out, list a few individuals that you admire or look up to, and the work they do (if that is what you admire about them). Try their passions/occupations out and rate how each task makes you feel. Asking yourself the following questions might also help delineate and narrow down your favorite thing to do.

  • If you had complete financial abundance, what would you spend your time doing?
  • What wouldn’t you mind doing for 5 years straight, without pay?
  • What do you hate doing?

“Are you waking up to an alarm clock or an opportunity clock”

– Dr. Better serves a bit of food for thought.

  1. Book those appointments

There may be appointments that you kept procrastinating on, like seeing the dentist or that spa day.

No need to have these commitments hanging over your head this year as well. Get them done and stay focused.

#KrunchWithKhutso spoke to resident psychologist Dr. Better about how one can mentally prepare themselves for the new year.

“This is a season to dream”

-Khutso Theledi.

Take a listen to the rest of the conversation:



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