
Psychiatrists warn of Magic Mushrooms’ side effects

todayNovember 24, 2024 68

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The South Africa Society of Psychiatrists is warning of a medically administered Psilocybin psychedelic, famously known as Magic Mushrooms, used for the treatment of severe depression, substance abuse and Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD).

The organisation says users of the psychedelic are likely to experience a distorted sense of reality, and diminished sense of control, among other negative side effects.

People with pre-existing psychotic disorders are said to most likely experience full psychotic episodes while on the drug.

“The two big risks for people who have undiagnosed or untreated mental illness with Psilocybin is that they would have experiences that are scary, dangerous, or difficult for them to process, and they may hurt themselves physically or may find the experience extremely traumatic,” says SA Society of Psychiatrist’s, Dr. Bavi Vytilingum.

The organisation adds that although Magic Mushrooms are utilised for the treatment of mental pathologies, they have significant risks, which may in some cases, prove to be fatal.

Dr Vytilingum also warns that there are dangers involved with the use of Psilocybin in conjunction with other mental health medications such as anti-depressants.

“Psilocybin raises Serotonin. Most of our psychiatric medication raises Serotonin. Psilocybin interacts with these medications and the combination of the medication can cause a catastrophic rise in Serotonin, which can lead to severe illness and become fatal,” she adds.

Dr Vytilingum says Psilocybin and other mental health medication can last for long hours on end within the body’s system and advises the public to seek safe medical advice before using the medication.

According to the psychiatrist, self-medication of the psychedelic is dangerous.

“The danger of self-medicating is that the Psilocybin may interact with other medication that you are already on and may produce both mental and physical problems,” remarks Dr Vytilingum.

“You may do yourself actual harm through having a bad experience, which may lead to physical Injury and mental trauma.”

The organisation says although it seldom occurs, they are concerned about the possibility of Psychosis, deep depression and diminished cognitive functioning, as a result in the long-term for Psilocybin users.

Dr Vytilingum adds that Psilocybin can have adverse effects in people who live in environments which fuel their depression and experience trauma often.

“The thing about Psilocybin is that a lot of it depends on the experience that one has. If you have a bad experience, it can be very difficult to process. If you’ve had trauma in your life, and you re-experience this trauma and you are not in an environment that is sufficiently holding and you don’t have a sufficiently well-trained therapist to help you process things, your depression gets worse, and you can get stuck it that. Your trauma and anxiety can get worse,” explains Dr Vytilingum. Written by Odirile Rabolao

Written by: Lindiwe Mabena

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