Political analyst, Sanusha Naidu, says South Africa may be in unprecedented times following the 2024 general elections.
Naidoo spoke to YNews at the National Results Operations Centre (ROC), where vote counting is taking place in South Africa’s hotly contested polls since the dawn of democracy.
She says the national voter turnout will be for the national, regional and provincial ballot.
Naidu reiterated that another point to note is how the IEC will handle disputes.
Former president, Jacob Zuma’s MK Party has been concerned about possible vote rigging in favour of the ANC, among others.
“So will we see the IEC being able to meet its mandate, (and) how will parties relate to the operational issues. The IEC has 14 days from the day of elections to confirm and release the results.”
Naidu has described the 2024 elections as ‘bittersweet’ saying it’s a stark reminder of the 1994 polls.
She says today’s young people’s liberation is about economic urgency and it’s important that they have that.
“I think we have to remember that people voted because they still have a lot of respect and believe in this democracy, where they descent, is on the operational sides of this democratic governance, where people are not accountable.”
Naidu says things will never be the same after these elections.
“We’ve reached a point where we cannot go back to an election where the incumbent continuously gets the results and feels comfortable with it, even when it declines.”
“There’s an electorate that’s coming in as the next generation who are not beholding to anybody If anything, they are beholding to themselves.”
She says looking at the leader board some political parties may disappear, and some are not even supposed to be there.
“I think there is going to be a baptism for the ANC because they are going to realise that it was theirs to lose, and they helped everyone else to do that.
“I think the DA has to go through its transformation, it’s not going to be that party that continues to play the kind of fear tactics and opposition.”
Naidu adds that, while we what the national coalitions will look like, the real issues are going to be in the provincial legislatures. Written by Lindiwe Mpanza
Written by: Lindiwe Mabena
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